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4 Ways to Reclaim Your Energy

Ever felt drained after a conversation with someone or attending a large gathering? There's a reason. Sometimes we misplace part of our spiritual bodies as we engage with others, whether in person or just in our thoughts. However, there are ways to reclaim our lost energy.

We have a spiritual body, and it's under our control, much like the physical one. The physical body is bound by time and space in our dense material reality, while our spiritual body is not. Often we are unaware of what our spiritual body is doing because we can't physically see it, and most of us have not been taught how to observe what it is doing.

We were taught to respect others' bodies by not getting too close or touching someone without permission. This same courtesy applies to spiritual bodies. It's helpful to understand what our spiritual body is doing so we don't inadvertently overstep our bounds. Being aware of our spiritual body and keeping it to ourselves is a good habit that will bring greater comfort to us and others.

You may have experienced an overstepping of a spiritual body. An example would be that you instantly feel drained and confused after walking into a crowded room. This is likely because your or someone else's spiritual body, or aura, is spread throughout the room and is mingling with other spiritual bodies. Individuals in the room may also feel this inadvertent energetic invasion and avoid certain people without knowing why.

Being fully present in your spiritual body will help keep it close to you and free from intertwining with unwanted outside energies. Paradoxically the more present and aware you are in the spiritual body, the more confident you will feel about your physical surroundings, which will lessen anxiousness and overwhelming feelings.

The following are 4 ways to become present in your spiritual body and reclaim your energy.

1. Acknowledge that this phenomenon is happening. If you suspect your spiritual body is overrunning into others', don't beat yourself up over it. We all do it, and it's mostly unintentional. Often, we don't feel great energetically because we are overextended spiritually and mistakenly pick up others' energy as our own. Just becoming aware that your spiritual energy has been misplaced will bring it back to you.

2. Ground your physical and spiritual bodies. Grounding is a powerful tool to help you become present. You ground by visualizing running physical and spiritual energy currents through your body. Grounding can be strengthened by intentionally releasing energy that isn't yours through a grounding cord. Grounding often brings immediate visceral relief as you become more fully embodied in your spiritual and physical selves.

3. Attending to your physical body. Taking care of your physical body helps your spiritual body too. Eating healthfully, adequate sleep, physical exercise, and being fully hydrated all help bring your energy back to you and keep your physical and spiritual components working in harmony. If you feel energetically out of sorts, addressing your body's basic needs is an excellent way to start reclaiming your energy fast.

4. Refrain from excessive thoughts about others. When you think about others, an energetic part of you goes to them and enters their spiritual body or aura. After thinking about someone in a prolonged and especially negative way, a large amount of your energy will be with them. As a result, you will most likely make this person subconsciously uncomfortable, and they may even start avoiding you. You will also feel confused, uncomfortable, and even depressed, having lost so much of your energy. It's very important to keep your thoughts balanced and light to maintain a firm, energetic footing in your spiritual self.

Reclaiming your lost energy will help you feel great and assist tremendously with hearing intuitive guidance. The more present and aware you are in your spiritual body, the easier it will be to receive intuitive knowledge from the higher self. Next time you feel energetically out of sorts, give these four suggestions a try, which will provide immediate relief and clarity.

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