Intention is a powerful creative force. Your strong and repetitive intentions will program your subconscious and conscious mind to look for certain things. What your intentions are while you are doing something will steer you towards a particular outcome and shape your reality. Therefore it's highly productive to be aware of your intentions in all life matters, including in your intuitive practice.

Intention is defined as a thing intended; aim or plan. When listening for intuitive guidance, your intention, or conscious aim is of critical importance. A firm, clear intention gives you the best chance of hitting your target, which is guidance from your higher self and Creator God. This focused energy stream is your ticket to high levels of intuitive knowledge that, if applied as directed, will have a lasting positive impact on your life.
Each time you listen for intuitive guidance, set the helpful intentions to clear the space of all negativity and for only information that's for your highest good to come through. Stand firm with these intentions, and keep at it until you get a fruitful result. Creator God meets you at the point of action, so aim high, and you will receive high levels of spiritual support.
There are endless amounts of extrasensory information available; however, most of it is unhelpful. It's like surfing the internet. You may find tons of advice but not what you are searching for without a clear focus or aim. Your higher self and Creator God are the safe go-to's when looking for intuitive guidance as they know and lovingly support your unique life purpose.
Remember to stand strong in your intentions. You have the right to receive the highest and best levels of intuitive knowledge available to you. Intend not to be thrown off this mission by demanding that all unwanted energies leave your space and that the intuitive guidance you receive is for your highest good.
[Read: Intuition is Your Untapped Superpower] to learn more about intuition.
[Read: Test the Spirits] for guidance on how to vet extrasensory information.
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