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Is There a God and Higher Self?

I use the term God loosely as this all-pervading, loving, and intelligent Being is essentially unknowable and cannot be defined by a single word. I also understand the word God can be triggering to some and mean many different things to others; therefore, I sometimes refer to God as Source or Creator. To me, God is the Creator of all things and has ultimate authority over them.

God is a bit of a paradox like most things spiritual. God is a mystery, yet the only way to know God is through direct experience. These two things seem to contradict each other; how could God be unknowable yet experienced and known? It's unclear how, but I know it is possible through experience. I have enough personal evidence that God exists, but I don't have a way to define this loving Being adequately.

I have experienced God's presence many times in my life, but it often went unnoticed. I wasn't taught a framework to consciously perceive the unseen until I started learning how to use my psychic abilities. In my studies, I realized that I could sense God's existence and loving guidance primarily through my intuition.

What is the higher self?

The higher self is the aspect most closely linked with your Creator. I see the higher self as another term for a soul or spirit. It is the essence of who you are and who God created you to be. The soul can receive and relay Divine information. I hear guidance from my higher self in the same way I do God, by an intuitive knowing.

We all have extra senses to experience the unseen world beyond our five physical senses. Clairvoyant and empathic experiences are just a few examples of how we can perceive the intangible. I believe we are all born with innate psychic abilities, but some seem to be more adept than others at picking up extrasensory information. I do know that one can hone extrasensory skills once one is aware of how to use them.

Even though we have many natural psychic abilities, I find that clairvoyance and intuitive direct knowing are the most helpful and reliable communication channels with the unseen areas of existence. There is a whole area of information and energy that exists beyond our material reality. Extrasensory contact with these subtle realms is where you will find what I refer to as Creator God, the higher self, and much more.

[Read: Direct Knowing – The Intuitive Gold Standard] for more on what a direct knowing experience is.

It is a skill to hear God and the higher self. It takes practice and time to cultivate the experience and fine-tune your methods of extrasensory perception. I am still working on growing my connection stronger with God, and I know it will be a lifelong learning process that I very much enjoy.

Getting to know and building a deep intimate relationship with God through my intuition function is the most fulfilling, peaceful, and positive endeavor I have ever undertaken. It fills my life with value and purpose, and there's nothing else I'd rather do with my time. The more I know and trust God's purpose for me, the better my life becomes, and my intuition is the best way to hear these high levels of benevolent guidance.

[Read: Developing a Spiritual Practice] for more on how to make a space to hear God and your higher self.

[Read: Using Intuition with Prayer] for more insight on how to communicate with God.

Want to learn more about how to develop and strengthen your intuition? Download my Intuition Builder App and get started on one of my courses for free today.


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