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Welcome! Here you can learn how to become inwardly guided by listening to your intuition for everyday support. Whether you are just getting started or already intuitively adept, these articles will teach you how to develop and strengthen intuitive skills with clear guidelines and step-by-step approaches.

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Self-Love Opens the Door to Your Intuition
Having a high self-regard and the ability to hear your inner wisdom are closely linked. Accessing your intuitive intelligence is an...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
4 Ways to Reclaim Your Energy
Ever felt drained after a conversation with someone or attending a large gathering? There's a reason. Sometimes we misplace part of our...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Developing a Spiritual Practice
What is a spiritual practice, and how do I develop one? I had a teacher tell me once, "If you want to live a Spirit lead life, you need...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Expansion vs. Contraction – Important Intuitive Markers for Communicating with Your Higher Self
How do you know if you are getting intuitive guidance from a helpful source like the higher self vs. information from your mind or ego?...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Four Ways to Hear Your Intuition
Unlocking your sixth sense. Learn four methods for intuitive listening.

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Gut Feelings
As a human being, you have a physical body and a spiritual body. Your spiritual body is inside and outside of your physical body. The...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Direct Knowing – The Intuitive Gold Standard
The best indication you have received intuitive guidance directly from your higher self or Creator God is it will come in as a certain...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Calling in a Spiritual Conference
My favorite intuitive tool to use when I need extra support with a challenging situation or out of a rut is to call in a spiritual...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Hearing God's Voice: Enhance Your Prayers with Intuition
Embrace the transformative power of prayer and intuition, and let your connection with the divine light your path to a more purposeful life.

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Get Grounded – Running Physical and Spiritual Energies
As a human being, you have a human part that inhabits the physical world and a being part that resides in a spiritual world. Grounding is...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Using Color to See Intuitive Guidance
If you have trouble receiving intuitive guidance, I recommend first learning how to "see" this information using color and your...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
How to Avoid This Common Roadblock to Hearing Your Intuition
Perhaps you have heard from spiritual teachings that a lessening of the ego will bring you in closer alignment with your soul. In a...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
The Lowdown on Higher Self Intuitive Information
There are ways to tell if you are getting intuitive guidance from the higher self or Creator God. You can notice specific characteristics...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Test the Spirits
Are there other non-physical sources besides the higher self from which you can gather intuitive guidance? Yes, and many of these...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Let's Do a Mini Intuitive Reading
Let's do a mini intuitive reading to get to know, through experience, the different layers of your consciousness. You have four different...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
The #1 Tool for Hearing Your Intuition
Intention is a powerful creative force. Your strong and repetitive intentions will program your subconscious and conscious mind to look...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Modernizing Rituals – How to Up Your Intuition Game
How do you hear your intuition? Start by creating a ritual. Rituals are powerful because doing something repetitive with firm intention...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
What is the Higher Self?
The higher self is an area of consciousness in which you can access spiritual information or energy. I use the words "information" and...

Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Intuition is Your Untapped Superpower
Intuition is a direct perception and knowing independent of any reasoning process. It's a unique way to perceive information that is...

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